Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New project for February - pics of Zachariah's hat, mittens and scarf -- progress photo

I am making my son a cap, mittens and scarf.  I had made my oldest daughter's future step-children hats and scarves for Christmas.  And I have to tell you, the look on Zachariah's face when he saw their stuff and then he asked me if I had made him a hat . . . sigh. 

So, using some of Joann's Sensation yarns (Rainbow Classic in, I believe, its called Denim) I started on his hat.  The hat pattern I used is a simple cap called a tobaggan hat, although for Zachariah, I doubled the ribbing so that it would keep his ears warmer.  The mittens were a pseudo pattern that I got from the same book as the hat and the scarf is crocheted, length wise. 

I discovered in making the hats for the girls that I can whip one of these babies out in a couple of hours.  The mittens are very very simple and I got them out of the same book that I got the hat pattern.

So lets see if I can post some pics . . . keep in mind that I was home all day today (or when i wasn't sitting at home, I was sitting in the doctor's office and a swim meet . . . I get tons of stuff sitting around waiting for the kids).

The top pooled stuff is the cap.  I was almost to the point of putting it on dpns.  I hate using dpns, so I often put off doing it until I have to do a couple things at once. 

The one mitten was done, well, except for the thumb which I needed to use a dpn to finish and the other mitten was mostly done. 

And then I finally decided I needed to use the dpns.  This is a pick of the thumb completion of one of the mittens:

I am going to use the rest of the yarn to complete the matching scarf. 

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