I haven't posted yet this month, but since I'm finally getting somewhere with this sweater, I thought I'd better!
I'm about 2/3 of the way through, as I've finished the body, but still need to do the sleeves and the neck edging.

I'm knitting this out of Briar Rose SeaPearl, on size five needles, and I've used about 800 yards so far. The pattern is something that I'm winging on my own.
In January, I also knitted the second socks for three pairs of socks that were languishing OTN from before the holiday madness. The first pair was for my younger daughter. (All the pattern links and yarn links are on my Ravelry page.)

These are Kicking Leaves socks, and I think the single second one took about 100 yards of Old Maiden Aunt yarn.
I also finished a pair for me.

These are the Woodsmoke Socks, and I used about 150 yards of STR lightweight to finish the second sock.
My older daughter also got a pair out of the deal.

I made up the pattern for these as I went along, and knitted them out of Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks Willow yarn, in the Forest colorway; that second sock took about 200 yards.
And I just remembered that I also knitted a sweater in January.

It's the Dofuku Kimono from Knit Kimono, and I used 1200 yards of Knitting Notions classic merino sport, plus a little bit of some of my handspun.
There it all is! I'll post when the sweater is finished with the rest of the yards I used. Off to knit now...