Thursday, December 29, 2011

holiday kal winners!

there were 57 projects completed by 17 people!

using the rng, winners from a drawing of all the projects are:

knitting chic (stacie)
3 balls of CPY, winner's choice of yarn and color


jardin rouge (shirley)
2 balls of CPY, winner's choice of yarn and color

winners drawn from the pool of CPY projects are:

tvanwormer (tracy)
3 balls of CPY, winner's choice of yarn and color


3 balls of CPY, winner's choice of yarn and color

congratulations, gals. please email me with your yarn and 2 color choices and your mailing address.


Lorraine said...

Thanks in advance. I'm trying to think what I want to make. I'll get back to you soon.

jdhforjc said...

Congratulations! You all just rocked the contest!(maybe I would have won if I was allowed to knit more, oh well.) wOO HOO'S ALL AROUND. I am so very happy for you all! Please post what you won. I would love to know which goodies you picked! ADRIENNE AND SUSAN JUST ROCK TOO!

T.M. said...

Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy your yarn.

Susan in Michigan said...

Congratulations winners! Enjoy your lovely yarn and post pictures for us - love to see that CPY yarny goodness. :-)

jdhforjc said...

oh my Susan, is that a tattoo? on you? I am a chicken so, none for me (even though I caught BC this year!)

midnightknitter said...

Congratulations to all the winners. Everyone knit such wonderful things. What a way to end the year!

YoYo SockSister said...

Congratulations to all the winners! What a way to end the year!!!

Calophi said...

Congrats! :)

tvanwormer said...

Oh... I have been on he road...just logged it..Yippeee. Thank you Susan & Adrienne!!