Thursday, January 29, 2009

52 week challenge kal requirements

just some clarification on projects and how credit is given for the month.

  • projects for the kal have to be started on or after january 1, 2009.
  • credit for the month will be received after you complete enough projects to reach kal requirements.
  • project does not need to be completed the same month that it is started. however, you will only receive credit for the project for the month it is completed. for example, if you start a pair of socks on jan. 15th and finish them on feb. 2nd, you will get credit for february only.
  • once you receive your" letter" for the month, you will not receive any more credit for projects completed that month. (although don't let that stop you from knitting or crocheting or showing off. the more the merrier!! we love seeing your projects! )
  • "yardage is not cumulative" means that you will not be able to carry over extra yardage from month to month. for example, if you completed projects equaling 500 yards in january, you will not be able to count the extra 275 yards in february. you must complete another project using a minimum of 325 yards (knitting) in february.
hope this clears up any confusion. if i have created more or you have any questions, please leave a comment and we will try to sort this out.

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