Tuesday, March 24, 2009

UFO finale

Hi, just got my pictures taken and posted last minute. These are another pair of fetching mittens. The progress picture was on Jan 26th and just under 1/2 way done. I think that I put them under the 52-week category by mistake. Katie refused to be my model this time. They were a Christmas gift to my niece who wanted me to add fingers after I already started! I am just too new to do the math to figure out how to do that puppy! I told her I would make her a new pair where someone else already worked out the details! This is my second pair of mitts. I like them but they were too short for my fingers and i tenghtened them. I think I am ready to made the pair from CPY with Mini-mochi!!!!!!! Yeah, for me. Yep, they will be mine. Oh man, this is a not so good picture. Tell me if you want to see a new one, black is so hard to tell and you can not see the back hand.


1 comment:

Redraobwons77 said...

Those look great! I think will have to track down the pattern for myself. Of course, I am still sitting on the beautiful cowl pattern, lol.