Friday, August 5, 2011

August prime time rooster scarf for Chris

This was a lot of fun to make up as I was going. The final detail was to use a couple of "raindrops" from the Shizuku scarf I made using the leftover 2 skeins from the rooster body. :) See my rav page for a lot more detail if you want to adapt the flamingo pattern and make a rooster. Chris loves it and wears it when he rides his bike. He named the rooster "Bikey".


tvanwormer said...

Love the wattle! Actually, love the whole thing.... Does it resemble the bird that gave Chris the "kneezles?"

peacockmom said...

You mean the one who got "lead poisoning" from Chris? I never did see that rooster, but he told me there was a bit of red on him and his beak was golden. The "dead eye" look was Fred's idea. :)

I'm happy to report that Chris missed his scarf when he didn't have it on one bike ride. He wears it when he rides in the morning and said it keeps him toasty warm. He wraps it twice and then tosses the legs and head over his shoulder. I'm really glad he does wear it.

Leslie Marken said...

This is great! My husband would love it--for some reason he's attracted to chickens of all sorts!