Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Welcome All !!

LOL, don't you just feel soooooooooooo virtuous thinking about holiday gifting and etc already?
hmmm or is it the lure of the yarn?

whenever i hit a slump i go drool over my stash and get re-inspired!

my dh built me a bookcase - i had envisioned something smallish, to put on a desk and he got carried away and made the "great wall of china" - so i have knitting books and baskets of yarn, and the yarn is seeable and away from fur-babies.
then i go over and fondle the panda cotton PandaCottoncolors....

First, i set aside one ball of Granite with one of Mood Indigo, to make a new slipstitch design for DH.

But then i looked at the Trail Mix next to the Pinto Pony below, and decided they would also be
fun together

So I have to fondle all 4 and decide - as he'd love them both!

blessings, :L

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