Monday, October 6, 2008

My crafting...

I cast on for a Juju doll for the oldest girl on October 1st. That is just about finished now So today I will be casting on The Endpaper Mitts for my mom for Christmas. (I will finish casting on and then get a picture) I also have a hat for the BIL to cast on (I am thinking the Carlsbad Hat) While all that crafting is going on I will be crocheting Dishcloths and working on a shawl for grandma. Not to mention the sewing that I have to do... Excuse me, I think that I better get busy! heh

Sandra (mintdee)


tapmouse said...

Now that I'm reminded of the Juju pattern, that *would* be a good gift for a friend of mine...let's see if I can complete one!

adrienne said...

that juju doll is too funny

debi's place said...

Yes, we all might need a juju doll.